Dream Out loud

Vivid Imaginations Influence

Forward Thinking



"Wow" I am so cold. Where am I? I'm confused? How did I get here? Let me think... I got up this morning and... Mom made me go to church; It's Sunday! I remember thinking why do I have to go. I am not even sure I believe in all this religious stuff. Ok so of course I had nothing to wear. I am so fat. These jeans are a size 5 and they are tight. I have what they call a muffin top! I am so not eating again today.

What next? I brushed my teeth and did my make-up, yup didn't help - still ugly. My brother just had to make the comment that I looked especially lovely today. He is such a jerk! That actually meant I looked horrible. Kevin is my mom and dad's golden boy. He is literally great at everything and I am not good at anything. Whatever another day.. not the favorite. I'm over it.

I skipped breakfast and grabbed my headphones, jammed out in the car, then listened to the Pastor tell me that Jesus loves me. But how could he love me? I'm such a loser. Then after dad & mom spent like forever bragging about how great Kevin was and how he got the home run that won the team the championship. I have heard that story like a billion times. Why are my hands so sticky?

Alright so we finally leave. The ride home was uneventful, as usual. Of course I quickly retrieved to my room when we got to the house. "Oh wow" Lilly, the most popular girl in school just tagged me in a post! We used to be best friends when we were like 5, but ever since middle school, I don't exist in her world anymore. I can't believe she would even acknowledge me. OMG this is amazing! I gotta see this!

NO WAY! She didn't! How could she do this to me? That is like the most embarrassing photo of me Ever! I look so fat. I can't believe I was that fat. I am so ugly. Every time I look at myself in the mirror I want to puke. The whole school is laughing at me now. I am so mortified! Joey Casen, the boy I have been in love with for the last 5 years, just called me Wendy Whale. I am such a loser. Why was I even born? There is no way I can ever show my face in school again! I can't!

Where is all that screaming coming from? Wait that is my bedroom door. Why is everyone in my room? Why are they all crying? Even my dad is crying. Wait! Is that me? Why am I not moving? My God!..My arms! I am covered in blood, but I don't feel anything. Mom! listen to me! It's like she can't hear me! Like I don't exist. Help me!...Please help me! I think i'm dead.

Talk to your children about how they are feeling. You never know when they need to hear they are worth something.